Create Manager Account

UX Bundle provides you with the option to create a manager account for your program.

To create a manager account for your program, go to the General section in the Settings tab of the UX bundle admin panel.

Settings > General

Here, go to the Manager accounts section.

Manager accounts

Now, click on New manager account.

Click on New manager account

This will open up the New manager account window.

New manager account

Here, set the manager's name.

Set the manager's name

Next, set the email address of the manager.

Set the email address of the manager

You also have the option to select the role of the manager.

Select the role

After this, click on Submit.

Click on Submit

Our app will send an invitation email to the manager with instructions on how to get started.

Our app will send an invitation email to the manager's email

The manager can click on the link in the email and set the password for their account.

The manager will set the password for their account

Finally, the manager account will get set up for the program

Last updated