Paying Affiliates

Paying affiliates in your program

GoAffPro provides you with two options to pay the affiliates in your program:

  • Pay affiliates outside GoAffPro.

  • Pay affiliates within GoAffPro.

Pay affiliates outside GoAffPro

This is the process you will be using if you intend to pay affiliates using methods like bank transfer, debit card, etc.

1. Select the supported payment methods for affiliates from Settings > Payments.

Setup Supported Payment Methods

Your affiliates will then select from the payment methods you choose to support and enter their payment details (they will be doing this from their account dashboards).

2. View the pending payments to affiliates from the Payouts > Payments section.

View Pending Payouts

3. After this, you can make the payment directly to the affiliate, outside the GoAffPro app.

Making the payment to the affiliate (and its process) will depend upon the payment method that has been selected.

4. Finally, you can mark the payment as paid in the Payouts > Payments section.

Create Payout Session

Pay affiliates within GoAffPro

To pay affiliates from within the GoAffPro app, you will have to integrate PayPal Payouts and use that to send money to affiliates.

1. Select PayPal as the supported payment method from Settings > Payments section.

2. Go to Settings > Integrations and set up PayPal Payouts.

Setup PayPal Payouts

3. After this, you can go to the Payouts tab, create a payout session, and make the payment using PayPal Payouts integration.

PayPal Payouts Integration

PayPal charges a transaction fee if you use PayPal Payouts for payments. You can view the transaction fee that PayPal charges here.

Last updated