Premium Plan Membership

You can upgrade your GoAffPro membership to the premium plan. A premium membership provides you with a host of additional features.

List of features offered in the premium plan

Look and Feel

  • Legal page editing

  • Signup page styles (modern and classic)

  • New dashboard pages

  • Facebook Pixel ID (for affiliates)

  • Custom JavaScript code


  • Collection Commission

  • Royalties Commission

  • Rule based Royalties

  • Commission Modifier


  • Detect Coupon Leaks

  • Personal Coupons (automatic generation)


  • S2S Callback (Postback) for affiliates


  • Creative media upload (size limit removed)

  • Creative media upload (upload videos and documents)

Post Checkout Popup

  • Post checkout popup (advanced style)

Email Marketing

  • Bulk email campaigns

  • Drip email campaigns

Multi level Marketing

  • Multi level affiliate network

Email Settings

  • From Email (notification email address)

  • Notification email template customization

Payment Settings

  • Commission Hold Time

  • Commission Hold Time (on per affiliate basis)

Extra Settings

  • Target Bonus

  • Commission Booster

  • Recurring Bonus

  • Form Based Referrals

  • Customer Affiliate Connect (recurring commissions)

  • Affiliate Groups

  • Party Plans

  • Multiple Signup Pages

  • Affiliate Store

  • Affiliate Public Store

  • Affiliate Page Builder

  • Influencer Seeding

  • Membership Fees

  • W9 Form

  • Invoices

  • Legal Documents

  • Scripts

  • Event Callbacks

Third Party Integrations

  • Account Sync

  • Mailchimp Sync

  • Omnisend Sync

  • Klaviyo Sync

  • Convertkit

  • MailerLite

  • ActiveCampaign

  • CampaignMonitor

  • Squarespace/Acuity Scheduling

  • ReCharge Payments

  • Bold Subscription

Advanced Settings

  • Referral Link Parameters

  • Blocked IP/Origins

  • Affiliate Conflict Resolution

  • Generate Shortened Links (Bitly/Shopify/Cuttly)

  • Multiple Referral Codes

  • Order Tags

  • Customer Tags

  • Affiliate Portal Alias

Premium Features:

Better Performance

  • Premium users get their own dedicated server space, unlike free users who share server resources. This gives the affiliate program a much better performance.

Advanced Analytics

  • Users get to see advanced analytics which helps them better understand their affiliate program. This data helps in improving the affiliate program and increasing its performance.

Multi-Level Marketing & Recruitment

  • Set up a multi-level affiliate network, where affiliates can recruit newer affiliates under them and earn network commissions on the sales referred by their downlines (recruited affiliates).

  • This helps in quickly expanding your affiliate program by getting more affiliates.

Multi Level

Email Marketing

  • Send emails to your affiliates using the email marketing feature. You can set up bulk or drip email campaigns.

  • It lets you stay in constant communication with your affiliates thereby maintaining a better merchant-affiliate partnership.

Email Marketing

Third-Party Integration

  • Integrate third-party applications such as MailChimp, Klaviyo, Omnisend, MailerLite, etc.

  • By integrating third-party marketing services, you can improve the performance of your affiliate program, by using other services in sync with GoAffPro.


Affiliate Page Builder

  • Build and host landing pages for your affiliate. This lets your affiliates create their special landing pages for the products they are promoting.

  • Helps affiliates in creating landing pages according to their style, which further streamlines the process of referral marketing.

Affiliate Pages

Targets & Bonuses

  • Set targets for your affiliates, where you can reward your affiliates with a bonus or commission boost after they achieve those target objectives.

  • By setting up targets for your affiliates, it encourages them to work harder, which increases sales.


Customer-Affiliate Connect

  • Connect affiliates with customers, whenever the connected customer makes a purchase the set affiliate will get the commission.

  • It can also be used to provide your affiliates with a commission for recurring payments made by the customers like for a subscription.


Affiliate Groups

  • Create commission groups for affiliates in your program. It allows you to create independent commission structures within each affiliate group.

  • It allows for easier management of different types of affiliates with different commission structures.


Membership Fees

  • Charge membership fees from your affiliates, to register in your program.

  • You can create different types of payment plans for your program, such as one time payment plans, recurring payment plans, etc. to charge affiliates a membership fee.

Membership Plans


Email Templates

  • Use custom email templates when sending emails to your affiliates. Make use of custom email templates for weekly newsletters, etc. to communicate with your affiliates.

  • This helps in personalizing email newsletters and communication.

Email Marketing

Signup Page Customization

  • Customize the affiliate portal signup page with three different layout options, Classic, Slim, and Modern. Get a minimalist design and make use of background images on the signup page.

  • Personalizes your affiliate portal by letting you create a custom signup page. It also provides you with the option to make it more visually appealing.

Customize the Affiliate Portal Signup Page

Post-Checkout Popup

  • It gives you the option to set up popups, which appear to customers after they checkout on the order status (thank you) page.

  • The advanced popup also gives you the option to automatically sign up a customer as an affiliate and lets you send welcome and invitation emails to them.

  • By setting up a popup, you can reach more people to recruit into your affiliate program, this also makes it easier to advertise that you are running an affiliate program.

Post Checkout Popup

Last updated