Setup Multi Level Network

GoAffPro provides you with the option to set up a multi level network for your affiliate program.

1. Go to the Multi Level tab in the GoAffPro admin panel.

2. Enable the Multi Level Marketing option from the Multi Level tab.

Enable Multi-Level Marketing

3. Set up the number of levels and the commission for each level.

Setup Levels and Commissions

4. Select the commission calculation method.

Choose the Commission Calculation Method

5. Check out how the commission distribution will work for the network using the playground.

Test MLM Network in Playground

Check out how the multi level commission distribution works:

Multi Level Commission Distribution Example

If you have an affiliate network with affiliates A, B, and C (where affiliate A recruited affiliate B and affiliate B recruited affiliate C)

If Affiliate C refers the sale:

  • Affiliate C earns the referral commission.

  • Affiliate B will earn level 1 commission.

  • Affiliate A will earn level 2 commission.

If Affiliate B refers the sale:

  • Affiliate B earns the referral commission.

  • Affiliate A will earn level 1 commission.

If Affiliate A refers the sale:

  • Affiliate A will earn the referral commission


  • The parent of the affiliate (who refers the sale) will always earn the level 1 commission.

  • The referral commission here is the commission that is set in the commissions tab (or can also be called direct commission)

Last updated