Affiliate Pages

GoAffPro Admin Page > Manage > Affiliate Pages

Affiliate Pages tab can be used to create and host landing pages for your affiliates. After enabling this option, your affiliates can build special landing pages for products they are promoting. They can then share the link to this landing page with their followers.

To enable the Affiliate Pages tab in the admin panel:

In the Settings tab of the GoAffPro admin panel, go to the Extras section.

Here in the Affiliate Page Builder, you will have to enable the feature by clicking on the toggle.

After enabling, the Affiliate Pages tab will appear in the admin panel.

In the Affiliate Pages tab, you can create landing pages for your affiliates. The Affiliate Pages tab has two sections:

  1. Pending Review

  2. All Pages

Pending Review

In the Pending Review section, you can view the pages that have been built by your affiliates. You can then choose to approve/reject the landing pages.

All pages

In the All pages section, you can view all of the landing pages that have been created by your affiliates. The table also shows you the title of the landing page, the affiliate who built it, the status of the page, and relevant actions.

You also have the option to create landing pages for your affiliates. This is useful in providing a default format of the landing page, upon which affiliates can build their landing pages.

To create a new page, click on the New Page button. Here, you can create the landing page, you can edit the page title, and assign the page to an affiliate.

Last updated