
GoAffPro Admin Panel > Setup > Automations

Automations tab allows you to create automations to automate tasks in your program.

To enable the Automations tab in the admin panel:

In the Settings tab of the GoAffPro admin panel, go to the Extras section.

Here, in the Automations section, you will have to enable the feature by clicking on the toggle.

After enabling, the Automations tab will appear in the admin panel.

In the Automations tab, you can set up automations to automate tasks in your program. You can use it to automate tedious tasks in your program, and save time.

To create a new automation, click on New automation.

In the New Automation window, you can set the trigger, condition, and action for the automation.

Here is a list of all the conditions with which you can set up automations:

  • Affiliate's ID: affiliate's internal database ID.

  • Affiliate's group id: group in which the affiliate is present. (Settings > Extras > Groups)

  • Net sale volume: total sale volume from the affiliate's link minus shipping, taxes, and discount.

  • Gross sale volume: total sale volume from the affiliate's link.

  • Sale count: number of orders from the affiliate's link.

  • Earnings: commission amount earned by the affiliate from the sales.

  • Network earnings: commission earned from their network. (if multi-level marketing is enabled)

  • Total earnings: earnings + network earnings.

  • Team volume: total net sale volume from affiliate's downlines (if you have multi-level marketing enabled).

  • Product sold: the total quantity of products sold from the affiliate's link.

You can accordingly set up actions such as changing the commission group, giving a discount code, giving a bonus, or applying a tag.

Last updated