Form referrals
GoAffPro Admin Panel > Setup > Form referrals
Form referrals tab can be used to set up forms and record leads brought in through affiliate referrals.
To enable the Form referrals tab in the admin panel:
In the Settings tab of the GoAffPro admin panel, go to the Extras section.
Here, in the Form based referrals section, you will have to enable the feature by clicking on the toggle.
After enabling, the Form referrals tab will appear in the admin panel.
In the Form referrals tab, you can set up forms, capture the form data and attribute the leads to affiliates.
In the New form section, you can set up a new form by entering the form's name and selecting the type of form.
To connect an existing form
For existing forms, you can set up the form selector and form fields.
To create and embed a new form in the website
For creating a new form and embedding it in your website, you can set up the form configuration and build the form.
Last updated