
GoAffPro Admin Panel > Setup > Groups

Groups tab can be used to create commission groups for affiliates. It makes it easier to manage different types of affiliates with different commission structures.

To enable the Groups tab in the admin panel:

In the Settings tab of the GoAffPro admin panel, go to the Extras section.

Here, in the Affiliate Groups section, you will have to enable the feature by clicking on the toggle.

After enabling, the Groups tab will appear in the admin panel.

In the Groups tab, you can create commission groups for affiliates. It helps you manage affiliates by grouping them and allows bulk editing of their commissions.

In the New group section, you can create a new affiliate group by entering the group's name and setting the default commission for the group.

Create Commission Groups for Affiliates

After this, you can set up the product and multi-level commission for the affiliate group.

You also have the option to set up commission modifiers and commission boosters for the affiliate group.

Set Product Commission for GroupSet Multi Level Commission for Group

To add affiliates to a group, click on Edit Members in the Groups tab.

Here, you can add or remove affiliates from the group.

Edit Members in Commission Groups

Last updated