Signup Field Inputs

GoAffPro provides you with the option to set up signup fields with different types of inputs.

To set up signup fields with different types of inputs, go to the Signup page section in the Look and Feel tab of the GoAffPro admin panel.

Here, click on Select & Customize for the layout.

Now, click on Add your own field.

This will open up the Signup Field section.

After setting the field title, select the input type.

There are various types of inputs you can choose from:

  1. Input Field

  2. Input Area

  3. Dropdown

  4. Multiple Selection

  5. Radio

  6. Date

  7. Checkbox

  8. File Upload

  9. Sponsor (upline)

  10. Signature

  11. Legal document

  12. Password Input Field

  13. W9 form upload

Input Field

Here, select the Input Field option and click on Add.

The input field will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

Input Area

Here, select the Input Area option and click on Add.

The input area will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

Here, select the Dropdown option, add the options for the dropdown, and click on Add.

You will add one option per line, which means after you enter the first option, you will have to enter the second option in the next line.

The dropdown will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

Multiple Selection

Here, select the Multiple Selection option, add the options for selection, and click on Add.

The multiple selections will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.


Here, select the Radio option, add the options, and click on Add.

The radio options will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.


Here, select the Date option, and click on Add.

The date field will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.


Here, select the Checkbox option and click on Add.

The checkbox will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

File Upload

Here, select the File Upload option and click on Add.

The file upload option will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

Here, select the Sponsor (upline) option, select the input type, and click on Add.

The sponsor field will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.


Here, select the Signature option, add the options for selection, and click on Add.

The signature field will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

Here, select the Legal document option, choose the legal document, and click on Add.

The legal document will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

Password Input Field

Here, select the Password Input Field option, and click on Add.

The password input field will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

W9 form upload

Here, select the W9 form upload option, select the accounting year, and click on Add.

The W9 form field will appear on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

After you add the signup field, click on Save, to add the newly set signup field to the signup page

Last updated