Landing Page Default Ids

GoAffPro provides you with the option to reset the landing page text.

For the translations to work on the landing page, the text in the Look and Feel > Landing page section should remain as default.

You should edit the text directly from the Look and Feel > Store Profile > Affiliate Portal Language > Edit translations section.

To reset the landing page text, go to the Landing page section in the Look and Feel tab of the GoAffPro admin panel.

Here, open the Top Banner section.

Now, set the following translation item ids:

Super text: heroline

Hero Text: heroDescHasCommission

Button Text: joinNow

After this, click on Save.

Similarly, open the card group section.

Here, set the following translation item ids:

Card group titles: sectionCardFirstTitle, sectionCardSecondTitle and sectionCardThirdTitle

Card group details: sectionCardFirstDetail, sectionCardSecondDetail and sectionCardThirdCommDetail

After this, click on Save.

Finally, the text on the landing page will reset and the translations will start working.

Last updated