Manually Pay Affiliates With PayPal

How to pay your affiliates using PayPal

Log in to your PayPal Account

  1. In the top bar select Tools > Send Payments.

2. Choose Send to Goods and Services (if you have a business account) or Send to friends or family (if you have a personal account, also fees are 0 if you choose this option)

3. Enter the PayPal email address of the affiliate (which gets displayed in the Payouts tab in GoAffPro).

4. On the next screen enter the amount (as mentioned in the payout screen).

Click on Continue, to confirm your payment.

Mark the payment as paid in GoAffPro

1. In the Payouts tab of the GoAffPro admin panel, start a payout session. Now, click on Get Unpaid Transactions > Select All > This will open up the payout summary section.

2. After this, select the "Pay the affiliates manually" option > Click on Mark as paid.

3. Finally, click on Create Payment Note. This will mark the payment as paid.

Create Payout Session

This process takes 1-2 minutes to pay an affiliate. If you have hundreds of affiliates, take a look at PayPal's Payouts option.

Last updated