Customize the Affiliate Dashboard

Affiliate Dashboard is the affiliate's control panel. It consists of the referral links and coupon codes that have been assigned to the affiliate. It also provides the affiliate with a summary of their referral sales and payment information.

Here, you have the option to enable additional dashboard tabs, add widgets in the dashboard, set up the dashboard colors, and more.

GoAffPro provides you with the option to customize:

Dashboard Tabs

Dashboard Tabs

Widgets and Analytics

Widgets and Analytics

Tracking Modes

Tracking Modes


Set to Display the Logo

Dashboard Navigation Style

Set Dashboard Navigation Style

Dashboard Colors

Set Dashboard Colors

Custom CSS code

Add Custom CSS & JavaScript Code

Custom JavaScript code

Add Custom CSS & JavaScript Code

Affiliate Portal Tracking

Affiliate Portal Tracking

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger

For more information on the affiliate dashboard customization, check out the video below:

Last updated