Setup Single Sign-On Integration

For Shopify Platforms Users

To integrate Single Sign-On access for your Shopify store:

Open the Online Store section in the Shopify admin panel.

Shopify admin panel > Online Store

Here, go to the Themes section and click on Customize.

Themes > Click on Customize

Go to Home page > Select the Pages option.

Home page > Pages

Now, select any page of your store.

Select any page

Next, click on Add section.

Click on Add section

After this, select the Affiliate single sign on section.

Select the single sign on section

Finally, click on Save.

Click on Save

In the GoAffPro admin panel, Settings > Advanced > Single Sign-On section, you also have the option to set what happens if the customer does not have an affiliate account. You can register them as an affiliate or show them the signup page, landing page, or a blank page.

Settings > Advanced > Single Sign-On

Last updated