
GoAffPro Admin Page > Grow


  • It allows you to set up a campaign for your affiliate program. The program is reviewed and presented to vetted influencers, who can apply to your program.



  • It allows you to list your store in the GoAffPro marketplace directory from which affiliates can enroll in your program. It enables you to reach a larger number of affiliates.


Post Checkout Popup:

  • A popup is displayed to customers after they have completed their checkout on the order confirmation page (thank you page).

  • The popup can be used to allow customers to join your affiliate program. You can choose from three popup styles, each having a different set of features.

Post Checkout Popup


  • Create email marketing campaigns for affiliates. You can set up the email template, select the email audience and schedule the emails for affiliates.



  • It allows your affiliates to recruit sub-affiliates, they also earn commissions when a sale is made using their sub-affiliate's referral. You can view the network of affiliates and their downlines in the Geneology (Full Network) section.

  • Set up the levels and commissions for the multi-level affiliate network.

  • There is also the playground option that helps in testing and learning how the network will work.

  • In the Settings section, choose whether to show the sponsor on the signup page and you can choose the commission calculation method for the level commissions.

Multi Level


  • In the analytics tab, you can view graphs and statistics for visits made using affiliate links.

  • There are graphs provided that display the number of orders, affiliate revenue, and unique visits.

  • The visits table also provides a detailed view of the date, page, affiliate, page views, and orders.


Last updated