Multi Level

GoAffPro Admin Page > Grow > Multi Level

The Multi Level tab can be used to set up the multi-level affiliate network for the program. In multi-level marketing, existing affiliates can recruit newer affiliates under them. Also, the parent affiliate will earn a network commission on the sales referred by their downlines.

Enable Multi Level Marketing

When you enable Multi Level Marketing, your existing affiliates get the ability to recruit newer affiliates under them (downlines).

Enable Multi-Level Marketing

To view the network of affiliates in the program, click on See Geneology (Full Network).

View MLM Network

Levels and Commissions

In the Levels and Commissions section, you can set the commission rate for each level in the network.

Here, you can select the number of levels and set the network commission for each level.

After selecting the number of levels, and setting the network commission for, click on Save.

Setup Levels and Commissions


In the Playground section, you can test out your multi-level setup and can use it to learn more about it. Click on Open Playground.

Here, you can set the number of affiliates in the network, select the affiliate who referred the sale, set the commission calculation method, set the order value and commission for the sale.

After setting these parameters, you will be able to see how the commission distribution will work for the network.

Test MLM Network in Playground


In the Settings section, you have various options for customizing the multi-level network.

Here, you have the option to show the sponsor (parent) name on the create account page to the downline. You can set the commission calculation method as Simple or Dynamic.

You also have the option to apply the level (network) commission on sales where the sales (referral) sales are zero. There is also the option to set the MLM availability for affiliates in the program. Additionally, you also get the option to set the downlines as customers of their parents.

There is also an option to set up a recruitment bonus for affiliates.

Show Sponsor on Affiliate SignupChoose the Commission Calculation MethodApply Level Commissions for Nil Sales CommissionMLM Availability for AffiliatesSet Downlines as CustomersRecruitment Bonus for AffiliatesGive Upline Commission on Royalty Orders

Recruitment Mode

In the Recruitment Mode section, you can choose to set up either a unilevel or a forced matrix tree structure for your multi level affiliate network.

The forced matrix structure can be set to restrict the width and depth of the affiliate network.

  • The unilevel structure is the default configuration.

  • You can switch to the forced matrix structure from the Recruitment Mode section and set your matrix width and depth (for example, a 3x5 matrix).

  • To set a binary configuration, you can set the width as two and keep the depth option empty.

Checkout the video below for an overview of the multi level affiliate network feature in GoAffPro:

Last updated