
GoAffPro Admin Panel > Setup

Look and Feel

  • Store Profile section can be used to customize the basic profile of the store, with options such as store logo, affiliate portal URL, font, and brand color of the affiliate portal.

  • Landing Page section can be used to customize the landing page of the affiliate portal, with options to edit the banner, card group, and footer of the landing page.

  • Signup Page section can be used to customize the signup page of the affiliate portal, where you can choose from three style layouts with distinct features.

  • Affiliate Dashboard section can be used to customize the affiliate dashboard with options such as dashboard tabs or widgets.

  • Toolbars section can be used to add toolbars such as the affiliate toolbar or the shopping-with toolbar.

Look and Feel


  • Default Commission option applies to all the products and affiliates. It can be set up with a percentage or a flat rate.

  • Affiliate Commissions option can be used to set up different commissions for a group of affiliates.

  • Product Commissions option can be used to set up different commissions for different products or affiliates. Here, you can select the product, the affiliate, and set the commission rate.

  • Collection Commissions option can be used to set commission rates for a collection or category of products.

  • Commission rules feature can be used to set up commission rates based on different rules for referral sales.

  • Fixed Commissions option can be used to set up fixed commissions for affiliates. It allows the affiliate to earn the commission regardless of who refers the sale. Here, you can select the product, affiliate, and set the commission rate.

  • Commission Modifiers feature can be used to modify/adjust the affiliate commission based on different rules or parameters.



  • In the Groups tab, you can create commission groups for affiliates.

  • You can set up product commissions, collection commissions, or multi-level commissions within the group.

  • There is also the option to set up commission modifiers and boosters for the affiliates in the group.



  • Here, you can assign coupons to affiliates, which they can promote. The table shows the affiliates and the coupons that have been assigned to them.

  • In the Automatic Coupons section, you can set up the coupons to be generated automatically for every affiliate that registers in the program.

  • You can change the discount value that the coupon provides, set up usage limits such as limiting the coupon usage to one use per customer, or set the number of times the coupon can be used in total by customers.

  • In the Advanced options, you can set up a minimum order value for coupons and can limit their usage to certain products or collections.

  • In the Personal Coupons option, you can generate personal coupons automatically for affiliates. These coupons will not generate any commission for the affiliates when they are used.



  • In the Connections tab, you can create new Customer-Affiliate connections. You also have the option to view the connections and delete them.

  • It can be used to provide recurring commissions to affiliates.



  • In the Target Bonus section, you can set one-time bonuses that will be given to affiliates when they hit the set targets.

  • In the Commission Booster section, you can give a commission boost to affiliates, when they cross a set tier.

  • In the Signup Bonus section, you can set up a bonus that will be given to an affiliate when they sign up for your affiliate program.

  • In the Recurring Bonus section, you can set up a recurring bonus that will be given to affiliates when they fulfill the set parameters.

  • In the Settings section, you can set the value of the signup bonus and configure the target bonus.


Compensation Plans

In the Compensation Plans tab, you can build custom compensation plans for affiliates.

Compensation Plans


In the Automations tab, you can create automations to automate tasks of your program.


Membership Plans

  • In the Membership Plans tab, you can charge membership fees from your affiliates, by creating payment plans for them.

  • It can be used to set up one-time or recurring payment plans.

Membership Plans

Form referrals:

  • In the Form referrals tab, you can set up forms and record leads brought in through affiliate referrals.

  • It can be used to capture form data and view the captured leads.

Form referrals


  • In the Activities tab, you can create task sheets for your affiliates to complete.

  • These tasks can be completed and logged by affiliates, for which you can reward them.


Last updated