Store Profile Customization

In the Store Profile section, you have options such as:

Affiliate Portal: allows you to set the URL of the affiliate portal.

Custom Domain Setup

Store Profile: allows you to set a store name and store currency.

Setup Store Currency

Store Logo: allows you to set the store logo for the affiliate portal and email (to affiliates in your program).

Setup the Store Logo

Brand Font: allows you to change the brand font of the affiliate portal.

Set the Brand Font

Brand Primary Color: allows you to set the brand primary color for the header image and the buttons in the affiliate portal pages.

Set the Brand Colors

Affiliate Portal Language: allows you to set the language for your affiliate portal.

Set the Affiliate Portal Language

Legal: allows you to set up and edit legal documents such as the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for your affiliate program.

Setup Legal Documents

Contact Page: allows you to change the URL of the contact page, that affiliates use to contact the merchant.

Set Contact Page URL

Other Pages: allows you to customize the commissions, tools, and reporting pages on the landing page of the affiliate portal.

Customize Other Pages of Affiliate Portal

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