Add Customer Information in Notification Emails

GoAffPro provides you with the option to add customer information in the notification emails.

To add customer information in the notification emails, go to the Notifications section in the Settings tab of the GoAffPro admin panel.

Settings > Notifications

Here, go to the Affiliate's Notifications section.

Now, click on Customize Templates.

This will open up the Customize Templates section.

Customize Templates

Here, select the "New affiliate sale" email.

You can choose any email template here, that you want to edit.

Select the email

This will open up the email customization section.

Here, open the table section.

Now, click on Add row.

Click on Show available variables.

Copy the customer email variable.

After this, set the name " Customer" in column 1 and paste the customer email variable in column 2 of the new row.

Finally , click on Save.

Add Customer Information in Notification Emails

Last updated