Setup Facebook Messenger Widget

GoAffPro provides you with the option to set up the Facebook Messenger widget for the affiliate portal.

To set up the Facebook Messenger widget for the affiliate portal, go to the Facebook Messenger section of the Affiliate Dashboard section in the Look and Feel tab of the GoAffPro admin panel.

Here, click on Setup.

This will open up the Setup Facebook Messenger section.

Generate the Page ID

Open the inbox section of your Facebook page, and click on Settings.

Here, click on View all settings.

In the Inbox settings section, go to the Chat Plugin section and click on Set up.

Here, select the Standard option.

Now, set the language and click on Save & Continue.

Next, add the domain of your affiliate portal.

After this, click on Save & Continue.

Now, Copy Code and click on Next.

Next, click on Finish.

After this, click on Done.

Finally, click on Publish.

Add the Page ID

Here, in the Setup Facebook Messenger section, paste the code in the Page ID field.

Finally, click on Save.

The Facebook Messenger widget will be added to your affiliate portal.

The Facebook Messenger widget will start appearing in the affiliate portal.

Last updated