WooCommerce Tracking FAQ

Why aren't my orders getting tracked?

If you are having issues with tracking referral sales, then you may have to manually add the tracking code in WooCommerce.

Follow the guide linked below to manually add the tracking code:

Manually Add Tracking Code in WooCommerce

If the referral sales are still not getting tracked on your store, contact our technical team at admin@goaffpro.com

I am not able to assign coupons to affiliates:

If you are having trouble assigning coupons to affiliates or are seeing a network error while assigning, then make sure that you are running an updated version of WooCommerce.

The coupons endpoint is supported in WooCommerce version 3.5 and above. However, if you do not want to update, you can contact our team at admin@goaffpro.com to ask them to apply a patch, so that your older version of WooCommerce gets supported.

Last updated