Set Product Commission for Affiliate

GoAffPro provides you with the option to set a product commission for an affiliate.

To set a product commission for an affiliate, go to the All Affiliates section in the Affiliates tab of the GoAffPro admin panel.

Here, click on the affiliate name to view their profile.

This will open up the affiliate's profile.

Now, go to the Commissions tab.

This will open up the Standard Commission section.

Now, click on Create special commission.

Here, choose the Products option.

This will open up the Create Product Commission window.

Here, select a product of your choice, set the commission rate by choosing between a percentage or flat rate, and by filling in the value of choice.

You also have the option to select multiple products by enabling Bulk Mode.

After filling in the value, click on OK.

Finally, the newly set product commission will appear in the Commissions tab of the affiliate profile.

Last updated