Test Welcome Email

Old Welcome Email

GoAffPro provides you with the option to create welcome emails for your affiliates. Your affiliates will receive the welcome email when they first register for your program.

Create the Welcome Email

To test out the welcome email, go to the Notifications section in the Settings tab of the GoAffPro admin panel.

Here, go to the Welcome Email section.

Now, click on Edit email content to create a welcome email.

Make sure that the Welcome Email toggle is enabled.

This will open up the Edit Email section.

Here, fill in the email subject and body.

After filling in the subject and body of the email, click on Save.

Create a test affiliate account

Now, go to the All Affiliates section in the Affiliates tab of the GoAffPro admin panel. Here, click on Create New Affiliate.

You can also create a new affiliate by using the signup page of the affiliate portal

Here, fill in the name and email address of the affiliate.

Now, click on Create to create the affiliate account.

After this, go to the Pending Approval section in the Affiliates tab. Here you will see the newly created affiliate account. Click on Approve.

When you approve an affiliate account, only then the affiliate will receive the welcome email.

Check the email inbox of the test affiliate.

The welcome mail you created will appear in the affiliate's email inbox.

Last updated