Setup Legal Documents

The GoAffPro app allows you to set up and edit legal documents such as the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for your affiliate program. This can be done in the Store Profile section of the Look and Feel tab in the admin panel.

A comprehensive privacy policy and terms of service are already set for your affiliate portal. It is advised, not to make any changes to the legal documents. If you want to set custom policies for your affiliate portal, you have the choice of editing the existing documents or you can upload your own set of documents.

GoAffPro allows you to edit the existing legal documents or link your documents to the affiliate portal.

Terms and Conditions

To make changes to the Terms and Conditions, you can copy the link of your program's terms and conditions and paste the URL in the field below.

You also have the option to make changes and edit the existing documents by clicking on Edit Default.

Privacy Policy

You also have the option to make changes to the privacy policy, by pasting the URL of your program's privacy policy.

You also have the option to make changes and edit the existing privacy policy, by clicking on Edit Default.

Last updated